Tools for Vinyl Signs in 2023 img

The Must-Have Tools for Vinyl Signs in 2023

Did you know that around76% of consumers entered a store or business premises they had never visited before based on the shop signs alone? One of the main materials shops and businesses use for signage is vinyl.

Vinyl sign makers are in big demand. If you’re looking at getting started or boating your existing sign business, it’s important to know the best vinyl sign-cutting tools to meet this need.

If you’re unsure how to cut vinyl signs properly, this buying guide article tells you everything you need. Read on to discover what cutting tools your business needs for 2023.

The Best Vinyl Sign Cutting Tools

Although vinyl cutting machines or vinyl plotters have sped up the process of creating vinyl signs, the use of a skilled craftsman is still needed to finish off the design by hand. Here are the must-have vinyl cutting tools essential to every sign maker’s business.

Weeding Tool

A weeding tool is a small metal tool. This is the best tool to use if you need to pull out pieces of vinyl, such as the central triangle on the capital letter ‘A.’ These are pieces of the design that can be discarded.

The vinyl cutting machines will transfer the pattern onto the vinyl. However, they are unable to finish the design completely. This is a task for the sign maker. Any excess vinyl has to be removed by hand to expose the design in all its glory and make it usable.

There is a range of weeding tools available on the market, each with a different purpose. Tools range from straight to hooked. Some even come with a retractable safety blade, so you don’t accidentally jab yourself with it when it’s not in use. It’s good to have a selection of weeding tools to enable you to do a wide range of jobs.

Things to look for in good quality weeding tools are:

  • Slim handle
  • Sturdy design that will not bend with repeated use
  • Comfortable grip
  • A sharp tip that will not tear the vinyl


These have more dexterity than fingers for picking out small pieces of vinyl. The best tweezers have a sharp tip, giving you better accuracy for cleaning up a design.

Tweezers can be used independently or in conjunction with a weeding tool.

Hobby Knife

There may be times when your cutting machine has not cut all the way through the vinyl. If this is the case, then a sharp hobby knife will be essential to clean up these edges. They can also trim down large sections into something more manageable and shippable if you offer delivery service of signage.

It’s also a good idea to keep a stock of blades. Using a dull blade to cut vinyl can snag and tear the design.

Snappy Tool

An alternative to a hobby knife is the Snappy tool. Currently, this is the safest vinyl cutting tool on the market, thanks to its revolutionary design of keeping the blade hidden inside a plastic case. It makes it impossible to cut yourself. This would be great if you were teaching a workshop to students.

The design of the Snappy tool is compact and fits nicely into your hand. It’s also a great tool to cut vinyl sheets off a roll quickly.

Self-Healing Cutting Mat

You will need to use a self-healing cutting mat if you’re using a hobby knife. This will help to protect your workbench. If you don’t use a cutting mat, you’ll end up scoring and cutting into your bench, creating a rough surface that can damage vinyl signs.

Self-healing cutting mats last for years thanks to their unique design. They are made from compressed materials. These materials shift while cutting and then move back into place once you are finished. They protect the surface and won’t blunt your knife as quickly as cutting it into a piece of sacrificial hardboard.

Cutting mats are available in a range of sizes and thicknesses. If you’re using your cutting mat daily, opt for a thicker mat that will withstand the regular use of knives and weeding tools.

A nice feature of most cutting mats is that they come with measurement markings, which some people find useful.

Rivet Brushes

Rivet brushes are useful when you need to apply vinyl over a rivet or uneven surface. Essentially they are round brushes with sturdy nylon bristles and are often used with a propane torch to gently warm the vinyl so that it stretches over the rivet.

Rivet brushes, when used properly, should not tear the vinyl while pushing out air pockets on uneven surfaces.

Foam Rollers

An alternative to using a rivet brush is to use a foam roller. They have a larger surface area so that they can speed up the application process.

Similarly to rivet brushes, they are used alongside a heat gun or a propane torch, which softens the vinyl making it easier to apply.


A squeegee is a vital piece of kit for any vinyl sign-making business. They are the most popular tool to push out air pockets during application. They come in a range of sizes and materials, but each type aims to provide steady pressure to the vinyl adhesive to allow it to stick securely.

The most popular squeegee types include:

  • Soft plastic squeegee
  • Nylon-reinforced squeegee
  • Felt squeegee
  • Teflon Squeegee

Taking care of your squeegees is vital for smooth vinyl application. Be careful not to get any nicks or warping on the squeegee blade.

Vinyl Scraper

A vinyl scraper is a useful tool to have for the preparation of surfaces. They can be used to scrape and remove previous vinyl designs. They can also be useful if you accidentally place the new design wrongly and need to lift it back up.

Which Vinyl Cutting Tools Do You Need?

If you’re looking for professional-grade vinyl sign-cutting tools, Simple Solutions are your one-stop shop. We have everything you need to help you create high-quality and reputable signage for your customers.

If you’re looking for a certain product or have a vinyl sign application, speak to one of our expert team members today and discover how we can help find the right solution for your needs.

Simple Solutions International offers a full selection of plotter blades and plotter pens as well as a variety of useful tools for use in plotting and sign-making, such as plotter adapters, masking film, spray mask, and other sign-making tools and accessories.