plotter blades

Plotter Blade Angles: Why Do They Matter?

Pipes. Wiring. Film. Collectible dolls. Signs. What do all of these seemingly unrelated objects have in common?

They all can be made from vinyl!

As of 2019, the global market for polyvinyl chloride was at $105.32 billion. By 2023, this number is expected to rise by 8%. In order to make the most of PVC resources, it is essential that those working with it use the appropriate plotter blades for their project.

Here, we are going to discuss how you can choose plotter blades with the appropriate angles for cutting PVC materials. Read on to learn why these angles matter and how you can select the right blade for making a vinyl sign!

Why Do Plotter Blade Angles Matter?

Plotter blades are an effective tool for cutting PVC and film, but not materials are of the same thickness. Choosing the correct angle for your plotter blade is essential to ensure that vinyl and film of varying thicknesses can be cut through cleanly and efficiently.

When you are working with thicker materials, you will need steeper blade angles. If your blades are not sharp enough, you will not be able to cut through the entire sheet of PVC. This dull blade will lead to unclean cuts that look as though you hacked through the material. They will have jagged, uneven edges and lift up at the corners, a problem commonly referred to as ‘vinyl ears.’

However, using a sharp blade on thin vinyl is also problematic in that it is a waste of the blade. Since not all of the blade’s cutting area is used, the blade will dull quickly. It will need to be changed out frequently, which is a waste of both money and resources.

Most Common Blade Angles

The most common plotter blade angles are 30, 45, and 60 degrees.

30-degree blades are meant for cutting materials that are one or two millimeters thick. If your material is thicker, you are going to need something steeper.

45-degree blades are good mid-range blades that can be used for cutting both thin and moderately thick materials. Due to this, they get a lot of utility. Any piece of film or PVC that is less than 6 millimeters can be cut with a 45-degree blade, including those that are 1-2 millimeters thick. They perform optimally on materials with 3-6 millimeter thickness, however.

That is why 60-degree blades are made for larger films and work for everything thicker than 6 millimeters! This option allows you to make thick, sturdy vinyl signs for both commercial and personal use.

How to Choose the Right Plotter Blades

The blade angle you choose is entirely dependent on the thickness of your material. However, there are other decisions to make as well.

In our online shop, we also offer two types of plotter blades: sure-cut blades and Econo-cut alternatives. While sure-cut blades are made domestically and are of higher quality, some people may require a budget-friendly alternative. Econo-cut blades are made internationally and cost significantly less.

Keep in mind that it is a good idea to get multiple blades. This purchase will allow you to choose which one is optimal for any given project.

Get Started

Now that you know how to choose the right plotter blades for any sign-making project, it is time to get started. Shop for sure-cut plotter blades in our shop for affordable and high-quality tools. We offer blades at 30, 45, and 60 degrees as well as those with different blade shapes and sizes.

Good luck!

Simple Solutions International offers a full selection of plotter blades and plotter pens as well as a variety of useful tools for use in plotting and sign making such as plotter adapters, masking film, spray mask, and other sign making tools and accessories.